Management Accounting Services

Understanding your financial performance and position

"Business owners can be so passionate and skilled about what they do but can sometimes lack discipline around the financial operations of the business. Salo works closely with key personnel to ensure that they have access to real time, accurate, financial information. Information that they understand and can rely on to make better business decisions. As we work with you and your business finance team, we review, develop, and create the most effective processes and procedures to capitalise on skills and technology."

The Chief Financial Officer can take the guess work out of understanding numbers and put in place strategies to achieve great financial focus and growth. Working together with business owners we can establish the best approach and desired outcomes tailored to your individual needs.

Management accountant/external CFO and project planning services include but are not limited to;

  • Strategic planning including development, implementation and review 

  • HR aspects involving staff retention, KPI's and bonus structure

  • Facilitate regular meetings of directors and/or key staff members

  • Review and recommendation of key business decisions eg; to lease or buy/to outsource or employ/to add or delete a product line

  • Due diligence on the purchase or sale of a business or franchise

  • KPI development and review over operational and financial areas

  • SWOT analysis

  • Break even analysis

  • Business plan development

  • Succession planning of a business to the next generation of owner(s)

  • Design and facilitation of senior staff and directors meetings

  • Employee job design

  • Change management advice

  • IT implementation and transition for accounting software